This easy guide will teach you how to remove someone from messenger without blocking them. This will not just unfriend them, but also unfollow users from your Facebook Messenger Friend list.

Facebook Messenger allows people to message you even without having you as a friend or you following them, so this is why there is a need to learn how to prevent people you don’t know from disturbing your inbox with irrelevant messages or spamming.

You might remove a contact, but to remove someone from a messenger is a big deal, but we have you covered. This option is very useful for people in so many groups where there are different varieties of people having different opinions, rude or kind ones.

How To Remove Someone From Messenger?

This is an easy procedure to follow, it might have been difficult if you never knew this tutorial, so follow the instructions if you intend to get rid of a user on your Messenger chat list.

Method 1

  1. Login to Facebook via Mobile App, Microsoft Windows App, or Web Version.
  2. Open the Profile of the user who messaged you and is not on your friend’s list.
  3. After locating the Profile, Tap the friend and unfriend or unfollow, just in case you were friends, if not…
  4. Tap on the three-dotted option button and block the user from seeing your Facebook profile which means you are free from messages from the user.
Remove Someone From Messenger
Remove Someone From Messenger

This is one way to do that, there are many other ways as well, read on to see how to remove someone from messenger and be free from annoying chats of strangers.

Method 2

  1. Using Facebook Messenger, open the software, Android, Windows, or iPhone.
  2. Click on the People contact which shows all active friends on your list.
  3. Now you can locate the person you want to remove from the messenger.
  4. Near the Profile’s call button, click Info > Remove Contact.
  5. Option to either Accept or Decline will be shown, accept to remove the user. from your list.

This is for method two which strictly uses Messenger rather than the Facebook App since this is why you are here. After implementing this method 2, when a nonfriend sends you a message, instead of it appearing on your Messenger chats, it can be seen on Message request, this means only approved chats will be distributed to you.

In addition to that, when you decline the chat, the person will not be able to converse with you or see your profile pic or online status. They will not see the message “you cannot reply to this chat” when you decline their chat like when you blocked someone on Messenger, rather when you view their message on the request section, he/she will not know it has been read till you accept and reply, also if you decline it, they will not be notified also, but Facebook will not deliver any of their messages to you. This is even a way to remove someone permanently in suggested friends in messenger

The options and settings are different on all platforms, I will focus on the Android version procedure to get rid of someone on Messenger Android App.

How To Remove Someone From Messenger Android App?

  1. Open the latest version of the Messenger app for Android Device.
  2. Tap a user Profile Picture on the App.
  3. Next to the Call and Video icon at the top of the chat, click the Info Icon.
  4. Scroll down, Under Privacy click Ignore Messages.
  5. You’ll get a warning message with the bolded text “Ignore this conversation?”
  6. Click Ignore

See Also: How To Login To Snapchat On Computer/PC

Now you will not be notified when the contact or user messages you directly, and the conversation will move to Message Requests. Facebook Messenger won’t tell the user the messages have been ignored. If you want to block the user, you will see the option just right under the “Ignore Messages” text. Conversations from the person can also be muted, no sound will be made when their message has been received, but this does not work like ignoring chats.


  1. I don’t get the option “Remove Contact”. I get instead:
    “Mute Conversation”
    “Something’s wrong”

    I’m using my Laptop to do this but these are also the only options that I get on my phone too. I do not want to block the person from every being able to contact me. I just don’t want to know whenever someone I don’t know is available on Messenger just because I spoke to them one time about buying a lawn mower or what ever.

    Thank you,

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