Best Minecraft Texture Packs PS4 2023: What really are the working, realistic, and popular Minecraft PS4 Best Texture Packs you can find and install on PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox One, or Microsoft Windows 10 PC? There are many free and paid Minecraft Texture Packs that change the feel of your game by making it more realistic and enhancing the graphics and gameplay, but there are some which are the Best you should try. I have shared the Best Texture Packs and Skins for Minecraft you can use on different platforms and also the installation guide. 7 Best has been well researched and reviewed, the list is ranked from the Best to the Texture Packs, so let’s begin.
Why Install Texture Packs? Why do people tend to look for the best, especially since the year 2019 when the hype was much because these Minecraft Texture Packs change the graphics of the game, instead of using the default Minecraft graphics, installing texture packs will increase the graphics, make the game realistic, also the weapons you carry will be cool, the grass will be in HD, the players and enemies will feel more real and you get to see a brand new atmosphere in the game which makes you think you are playing a different Minecraft Game. These realistic texture pack minecraft ps4 are for players who get bored playing the default game with its textures.
Some other improvements include other craftable tools like bombs, the explosion is now better, and doesn’t explode in block form, rather the fire is now high and the flame stays longer when it comes in contact with other objects. In addition, you will be able to see how real the player’s cloth is, rippling water, shining prime real estate, and animals are now deadly and scary in this realistic Texture. So if you love spending time in the game chopping woods and mining diamonds, you can now do that in a more beautiful place. Remember these Textures require more RAM and powerful consoles or systems to run or you will get frame-per-second rate drops.
These Minecraft PS4 Realistic Textures Packs I have mentioned have unique textures features, they are different in their own aspect and can be used based on what you need to be improved in the game. Some offer shadow texture pack which is good and sort of realistic, while some add HD Rocks and Water, cities, and the rest. So the list has explained the works of the Best Minecraft Texture Packs PS4 mentioned, images of how they look like, and their cons if any. These Textures are regularly updated, unlike Minecraft ModPacks we discussed previously. Some don’t work on all Minecraft versions, but 1.14 and up are compatible to install these Texture Packs.
The Texture Packs for Minecraft can be installed on your Windows Computer, Xbox One console, or PS4 Console. The installation is different but not hard, I’ll guide you through how you can install them each through a step-by-step tutorial. At the end of the list, I’ll like to know which way you’re most realistic and fun to play Textures, before then, enjoy this intriguing list of the 7 Minecraft PS4 Best Texture Packs + XBOX & Windows natural Texture Packs to install in 2023.
7 Best Minecraft PS4 Texture Packs (PC & More 1.14+)

1. LB Photo Realism Reload!
The first Texture Pack in the list, this is one of the Best Minecraft Texture Packs because it features a photo-realistic resource pack based on the work of Scuttles (LB Photo Realism). The “Reloaded” version uses very old textures of LBPR. The main purpose of this resource pack is to make Minecraft look not only as realistic as possible but also to make it look beautiful and attractive to new players. This Texture has variations of wood textures, cool villager’s faces, breaking a block, or opening doors now in High Definition.
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What does LB LBPR Reload offer? It is pretty close to default Minecraft textures, so it won’t be a big issue to start playing with it. The pack includes many 3D models, animations, and random textures you’ll see interesting to use. If you want to know how the gameplay and graphics look, watch the above video.
2. Glimmars Steampunk

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This is the Best Minecraft Texture Pack PS4 and the oldest, it is still supported by the original creator, has a 32x scale, newly introduced Mojang textures at 16x Vallina, with new updates, focused on new HD x64. This Texture Mod also includes extra random animated mobs, villagers, and paintings, you also get to experience beautiful animations of daytime, and nighttime skies that seem so real. More added features include animated guns, richer colors, and animated lighting.
You will need OptiFine for animated better skies, biome colors, lighting, HD font, terrain blocks, items, guis, and mobs. OptiFine is a Minecraft optimization mod that allows Minecraft to run faster and look better with full support for HD textures and many configuration options. So using this with Glimmars Steampunk is recommended.
3. Lithos

Lithos has many Mods supports, this is something other best ps4 minecraft texture packs didn’t offer. Lithos is focused on the familiarization of the default Minecraft textures, construction blocks are still similar in color & brightness to default blocks, same with color schemes working the same way in default & Lithos, and textures being appealing as possible, while the whole pack has a consistent style.
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Some features that make this the best texture pack for Minecraft Xbox include. It Completely replaces all Default Textures, a More Familiar default-style appearance, but with attractive Detail, and A Lot of Random, Alternate Textures (without MCPatcher or Optifine! used for #1), Random Mobs for most common mobs (MCPatcher or Optifine required), Many subtle 3D improvements, Mod Support: 62 mods, Consistent, easy to use GUI, Easy to read Font and Early Snapshot support.
4. ZeldaCraft

This pack is based on “The Legend of Zelda” which focuses on maintaining a balance between the two games in order to play Zelda-style adventure or play in Minecraft’s survival. ZeldaCraft lets players have access to a new Resource pack, Reskinned UI, Updated Reskined Mobs, New Sounds, Appealing Music from Zelda, and Animated textures. This Texture Pack doesn’t totally Modify the game, rather, it gives you a separate game mode inside the same one you are playing, when you choose the Legend of Zelda, you get a better display and graphics based on the story, but you can still play the regular Minecraft Mode.
It has over 100 thousand installs, but the sad part is that it is no longer updated by the creators, it was last updated in 2017. Despite this, people still prefer this texture, you will love it too.
5. Retro NES

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Retro NES is one of the Best Minecraft Texture Packs that come with some Fixed file changes with the update, Changes on icons for Hunger, saturation, instant damage, and health, and new honey/bee-related blocks. This texture Mod has 3d models such as All Bee Textures, Bee Nest, Bee Hive, Wax Block, Honeycomb, Honey, Crystallized Honey, 3D Doors, 3D rails, 3D ladders, and it also has wolf textures. This Minecraft Texture Pack PS4 is cool, you will definitely enjoy all the time you had playing with it.
6. Mine Wars

Are you a fan of the Star Wars series? The Best Minecraft Texture Packs offer some cool features, but Mine Wars took it further. You have the full Star Wars experience in Minecraft, you will need MCPatcher or else you’re missing out on improved lighting, custom skies, and more! This Mod provides a darker, 16×16 pack made by a compilation of several other discontinued Star Wars texture packs and also lightsabers, blasters, and everything you would need to have a full Star Wars experience in Minecraft. This is one of the oldest PS4 Minecraft Texture Packs, but still, it has cool Mods, you can check it out below.
7. Adventure Time Craft

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If you know the Adventure Time animation cartoon, this Minecraft Texture Pack will be really fun to play. Adventure Time Craft features Fin and Jake, these two best friend characters, you can play as Fin or Jake, destroy blocks, get to go through their treehouse, explore through the candy kingdom, meet process bubble gum, and other of their cool friends. This Texture Pack features Horse textures, pigman zombie, new clock and compass animations, new blocks relating to 1.5.1, fireworks, and an updated GUI. It has over 600,000 installs, it is many people’s favorite, you will surely like this texture mod even if you have not watched the cartoon before.
These are the Best Minecraft Texture Packs For PS4, Xbox One, Windows 10, and Steam you can get installed on your Minecraft Game. They are the most realistic you can get, I know there are thousands of these Textures available, but I did my best to get the ones people tend to use often. So if you are like me who doesn’t like the default Minecraft Skin and need a realistic texture, you can make use of all these, they are free.
There are better Minecraft Textures for Playstation 4 I know I may not have come across, to be honest, however, maybe you can share your best that were not listed here, and then we can update the list. Share this post with friends of Minecraft games and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates like this.
Hi, where do I find the step by step guide. I cannot seem to locate it. Thank you.
Hi Edwin Nieves,
Should we write a step-by-step guide?
You specifically said more than once IN THE ARTICLE that you were providing a step-by-step guide on how to install. Lies.
“The installation is different but not hard, I’ll guide you through how you can install them each through a step by step tutorial.”
“I have shared the Best Texture Packs and Skins for Minecraft you can use on different platforms and also the installation guide.”
Can you post more like this? It’s been extremely helpful for people.
Thanks for your feedback, I’ll consider writing more articles like this.
witch texture pack dose loverfella the youtuber have??
Where can I find the step by step tutorial that was mentioned here? I want to install one of these texture packs on my PS4, but I don’t know how.
We will make an article on that soon, stay tuned!
Why didn’t you provide it in this article like you originally said?