Do you love anything related to Hacking or Ethical Hacking? It’s best you watch some Hacking Films and Movies to enhance your knowledge of how hacking is and what you should be anticipating. There are many Best Hacking Movies Ever Made, and I’ll be reviewing just 8 of them.
Hacking is illegal only if you use it against the law, so it isn’t fully illegal to hack when you want to use it for penetration testing. Most of these Hacking Films contain White-Hat, which you are required to become since we are the good guys.
There are some who are black-hat hackers and they use their expertise to hack people’s personal details which is very unlawful and this can lead them to jail. Since we are going to be learning both methods through Hacking Based Movies and Films of all time, these hacker movie lists below will be of valuable assistance.
Best Hacker Movies List 2023
#1. Who Am I (2014) | Best Hacking Film
Who Am I – No System is Safe is the number 1 Best Hacking Movie of all time. No other Hacking Film has surpassed this till now in 2023 due to how awesome the storyline and cast are. Based on Youtube comments, it was evident people love the Who Am I movie and acknowledged it as the best.
As for the plot, a Hacker from Berlin named Benjamin Engel came from a hard background and wasn’t socially active when in school. He had an interest in Hacking and Computers and was able to have his first when he got access to university past questions and was caught. He meant some new friends during his punishment and got advanced in hacking.
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#2. Hacker’s Game Redux (2015)
This isn’t a game as you might have thought based on the name, but this is a Movie. Hacker’s Game is worth mentioning as part of the Best Hacking Movies List of all time. It was released in 2015 and directed by Cyril Morin, 71% of Google users recommend this Hacking Film for those interested in ethical hacking or expert hackers.
Although Hacker’s Game has low ratings on IMDb, the movie has a simple plot and this Thriller Film lasts 1Hour 30Mintues, it is also one of the Best Hacking Films. The plot is about a cyber detective who embarks on an intense but dangerous romance that doesn’t end well.
#3. Hackers 1995 | Best Hacking Movies
A Google Review user says “Hackers 1995 is a movie for teens in the mid-1990s. Computers became “in” and cool”. So Practically Hackers Movie 1995 is made specifically for Teens who are growing in Computer knowledge which is the third in the Best Hacking Movies.
This is another Best Hacking Movie with a cool plot – A teenage hacker finds himself framed for the theft of millions of dollars. Master, hacker Zero Cool has been banned from having access to a PC for seven years after crashing over 1,500 Wall Street computers when he was 11. Now keen to get back in front of a monitor, he finds himself in more trouble than ever.
#4. Hacker 2016 – Anonymous
This remains my number #1 best Hacking Film of all time because it related to a man who had a poor background and then had to find ways to improve his life. The down part about this Hacking Movie is that he did it illegally instead of working as a White hat Hacker.
Callan McAuliffe is a Ukrainian word for an online criminal organization where he launches a personal vendetta against the entire banking system after his mother loses her job. This movie had to be mentioned in the Best Hacking Film List so that if you are interested in black-hat, be ready to face the consequences.
#5. Snowden | Best Hacking Film List
Snowden is a 2016 thriller Hacking film about Edward Snowden who left his job at the National Security Agency. He now knows that data is being compiled to track all forms of digital communication, but when he leaked this information, he becomes a traitor to some, a hero to others, and a fugitive from the law. This is another Best Hacking Movie of all time, it remains among the Top 5 in 2023.
#6. Blackhat – Hacking Film 2015
This movie was released in 2015 and the main actor is Chris Hemsworth, the guy we actually know a Thor – the God of Thunder. He was nominated for the Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actor because of Blackhat 2015 which is among the Best Hacking Movies of all time ever made.
The plot is a bit long and complicated, and as expected, it will be 2 hours long as well. But to explain the storyline of the film in detail, the movie starts after a Hong Kong nuclear plant is hacked by unknown people, a federal agent proposes that the FBI work with China to find the cyber-criminals.
#7. The IT Crowd | Best Hacking Films
The IT Crowd is not directly related to hacking, but it is worth being mentioned as the best Haking Film List of all time since it encourages the use of initiative and being smart. This movie is about a Company that (like other companies) rely on their IT departments to keep things running. But Jen, although her CV indicated a great deal of familiarity with computers, in reality, she doesn’t have a clue and she has to find a way to sustain her job.

This is not a movie but it’s a series that has Episodes and seasons. The movie is a comedy film It started in season 1 and ended in season 4, episode 6 (Reynholm vs. Reynholm) in 2010. Still, a good film to watch.
#8. Open Windows (2014) | Best Hacking Movie
This is the least of the Best Hacking Movie of all-time lists in 2023. The movie Open Windows was released in 2014 and the film has good recommendations from viewers. The Movie is mainly about romance and focuses a few on hacking-related.
The plot is about an actress whose fan won here on an internet contest, so she was obligated to go on a date with her. She refused to go out with the fan so a man who pretends as her campaign manager helps the winner to spy on her through his own computer. So they had to hack some security cameras and other security systems to always follow in her footsteps.
Wrap Up: These Hacker Movie List will definitely improve your knowledge of hacking and also help you understand some hacking terms. If you want to be an Ethical Hacker, these Best hacking movies are must watch, learn from them, and how to be the best hacker.