Yes, Avira Game Booster really improves your gaming performance, in fact, this software is under-appreciated. When I’ve been looking for best gamer booster software for windows, other software was recommended, popular ones, but Avira Game Booster was never mentioned. Fortunately, I already use Avira antivirus which has the Game booster feature as additional software, let’s say Addon, tried it when others didn’t work, and it surprised me.
The game I tried improving the performance due to lag after 2-5 minutes is GTA V for Laptop. My PC wasn’t playing the game smoothly and I got frustrated, after doing so much research, including lowering my pc background usage and trying other Game Booster software, I almost gave up. But when I saw Avira Gaming feature, I google-searched if there will be any improvement if used, and I got this: “I’ve installed this earlier today and it made a big difference to my game.”
Now, this got me wondering if Avira had such a game booster software having positive impacts on Games, why wasn’t it mentioned often by people. So for that reason, I decided to write this brief article for those who need a real working game booster program for their laptop, desktop or windows generally.
How To Get Avira Game Booster?
- You must download Avira Anti Virus software for windows
- Run Setup and install completely
- Now Install other Addon which includes “Avira Game Booster” as seen below

I guess you can see the folder containing all addon after you have installed them from Avira Software itself, this is where you can see the ones to choose and install if you want through the software:

Avira Game Booster requires you to run the app as an administrator for it to work on games properly and override the performance of the game. This is what it looks like though, very easy to use and one-click for game optimization without you having to choose which process to stop or not, they safely stop unnecessary processes.

Avira Ultra Boost is something you really need to purchase, they make your pc work like a gaming console, all cores and processors will focus on one game, rather than running in the background. This can be gotten when you go pro, worth it though, especially if there is an interesting game you need working.
Ultra boost also gives you more features when purchased, you can choose the minimum of free ram you want available for gaming, it can be 20%, 60% or more. This comes handy when you have a game that needs like 2GB ram to play and your pc is, let’s say 4GB ram or 6GB. Other processes can prevent your computer from using up to 2GB Ram, thereby limiting it to like 1.6GB, this lowers the game performance because the recommended ram is totally behind. But when you choose more Ram for the game via Avira Game Booster, like 3GB Ram for a pc with 6GB or 8GB RAM, then the game will work without lag.
I also got to realize safe game files can cause lag on games like GTA V, Avira “additional disk space for games” is the final solution to your fluctuation ever five to ten minutes of gameplay and making the game totally unplayable despite using “High Performance” on your laptop. This feature is also available via ultra pro, this lets you reserve space virtually for game save files which come overtime while playing.
Avira Game Booster Ultra Pro Features, Worth it?
Absolutely, this has so many features not offered on other game improvement software for laptops. When you purchase Avira Pro, you get Pro optimization for your games, other features are:
- OnWatch AutoClean
- Pro Boost Optimizer with Ultra Boost
- Pro Startup Guard
- Energy Saver
- Power Boost
- Defragmenter
- Game Booster

Yea, you can still see it above again, more detailed. So this is when you purchase the pro features, really work in improving games.
Some games cannot change screen resolution, but Avira will change it to match what your computer can handle, was surprised when that happened to me, really worth it. Anyway, when Avira Game booster has been enabled, it restores processes when you remove a game or when you remove the app, depending on what you choose.
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That;’s all for now, wanted this brief and as I promised, it is brief and easy to read. Share and also comment if you noticed a massive improvement in your games, in fact, why not, you will notice it.